Shyh-Chiang Shen

ECE 6453 Elcetronic Device Theory


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Lecture Notes : — please attend the class for complete discussion of topics ..
Lecture set 6-1 – extra slides presented on 3/11/08





Student Presentation Slides
April 15 Presentations
Mr. Fayaz Shaikh: Quantum Dots Solar Cells (uploaded)
Mr. Jack Flicker: Carbon Nanotube Photovoltaics (uploaded)
Mr. Qing Li: Manipulating the Free Carrier Lifetime in Silicon Nanowire (uploaded)
Mr. Francesco Barale: RF Power Amplifier Technologies ( > 60 GHz) (uploaded)
April 17 Presentations
Mr. Cheng Li: Nanostructures and Nanodevices of ZnO(uploaded)
Mr. Sheng Xu: Nanogenerators Based on Coupling Piezoelectric and Semiconducting Dual Properties of ZnO Nanowire Arrays (uploaded)
Mr. Yifan Gao: Nanodevices Based on Piezoelectric Semiconductors: Nanogenerators and Piezoelectric Field Effect Transistors (uploaded)
Mr. Yong Huang: Progress in Light Emitting Transistors (uploaded)
April 22 Presentations
Mr. Kevin Brenner:Spintronics and Ferromagnetics in III-V Devices(uploaded)
Mr. Sam Lair: GaN power electronics(uploaded)
Mr. Suk Choi: Nitride based high power devices(uploaded)
Mr. Thong M Doan: Wide bandgap microelectronic materials and devices (uploaded)
April 24 Presentations
Mr. Yun Zhang:THz Transistor technologies(N.A.)














Supplemental Information
Phonons: Tutorial
Example: Phonon measurement in Si and Ge (Brockhouse, Phys. Rev. Lett 2 256 (1959)
Example: Scattering mechanisms in high-purity GaAs (C. Wolfe, G.E. Stillman, and W. Lindley, J. Appl. Phys. 41, 3088 (1970)
Gunn Diode presentation slides presented on 1/29/2008
The original paper on Gunn oscillation by J.B. Gunn
DX centers in III-V materials by Mooney at IBM (1990)
Nobel Lecture: Quasielectric fields and band offsets: Teaching electrons new tricks by Herbert Kroemer (2001)
Useful Links
Ioffe NSM Semiconductor material library